もしもし, エッチ大好きです!  Your head will EXPLODE!!!111 Currently making them KER-AZY sex kitten games. 失礼!

Age 38


School of Hentao

The Fucking Dino Club.

Joined on 8/10/07

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Yomuchan's News

Posted by Yomuchan - June 1st, 2016

Its officially summer vacation, and I've done a lot of work on NSD and Vixuzar Sim Date these past few weeks. Special thanks to the folks who pitched in with extra image info, dialog and otherwise been a great help with these projects. You know who you are.

So far, I've started adding NPC data and events to NSD - basic encounters, conversation routines and I've also recently figured out how to use arrays AAAAAAND I completely reworked some buggy item lottery stuff that would end up raping your inventory with massive textblocks that were all like NaN. This means I've also reworked the day counters and made them a whole lot more simpler for the CPU to handle.



This is my fourth reworking of one of the core NSD engines. Damn - 2007 to 2016, it's been one hell of a ride, eh?

Speaking of Sim Date - Vixuzar Sim Date is proving to be a real learning experience. I've managed to optimize a lot of coding, making it run more streamlined and smoothly. Now, I'm currently assembling the game world where the action takes place in. While not as outright massive as NSD - Vixuzar Sim Date incorporates some of the latest technology we have available, and it's gonna be one hell of a game. Our next stop is ITEMS! What shall we put in the game?!

Half the year is gone, huh? I'd better get my act together and stop all these DELAYS and PROBLEMS.

Speaking of delays, I've noticed that the wiring around my home seems to be on its last legs. Fluctuating brownouts, surges and twitchy lights point at a rapidly decaying infrastructure at home - this isn't good news for the rest of my electronics. So I'll be busy for the next few days or so, giving the ol' home a much-needed workover on the electrical wiring front. Once I'm done, I can officially add seven... SEVEN MORE HOURS of GLORIOUS FREETIME to my daily routine!

That's that for now. But I'll be back soon. 

Until then, have some summer vacation imagery!


Posted by Yomuchan - May 18th, 2016


After 3 years of heavy fighting, narrow victories and a gruelling war of attrition, the Great College War ends and the fields of battle fall silent. For the first time in 3 years, we can return to making games and movies for stupid fun reasons instead of just following deadlines.

With the boring IRL bits out of the way, lets get to the good stuff!

New projects, new scores out for the taking!

Vixuzar Sim Date: One of the engines have been wired up, and an update is available for beta-testers. This update showcases the opening cutscene and the stat selection menu. This sort of thing took me 4 days back then - this one I finished in less than 1 day!. Most of the buttons and stuff except for the text boxes are placeholders, though. Next up is the Inventory System, the Personal Stat Menu, and the Help Menu. With advanced miniaturization technology available, these will be done in a matter of days!

Project: Vixuzar Sim Date.
JOB TYPE: Photo hunting.
Pay: Hentai, online storage, infamy points.

Interest parties please PM me.


Negima Sim Date: 79% of the acaedemy exists, and work has begun on working on NPC art. This thing is so complex, we're still conducting advanced research into finding new ways to operate the machinery, while rewriting earlier written code.


Plenty more stupid, crazy stuff coming your way soon! Stay tuned and remember to PARTY HARD!

Posted by Yomuchan - April 13th, 2016

Final week.

Once 18th starts, I'll be off the air for around 3 weeks. If I don't screw up, I can graduate college like I should have back in 2005.

See y'all soon.

Posted by Yomuchan - February 8th, 2016

Engine to be used: NSD Lite (v2.54a)
Graphics Resources: Recruit artist.
GUI version: 3.19b (updated version 2016)
Dateable chars: 5 (TBD)
Muzak composer: I have someone in mind and will contact her.

Shiz to do

  1. Refit NSD Lite Engine for Vixuzar Sim Date.
  2. Recruit 5 dateable characters.
  3. Update GUI pack to latest 2016 version.
  4. Map the playing area.
  5. Negotiate muzak usage with NG artists.

Stuff we need

  1. Interview with 5 dateable characters to figure out their preferences/behavior.
  2. Custom art for the game world. (Approx 40 areas).
  3. Plan out world activities for stat gain and money earning.
  4. Interview with @Vixuzar to get some details done properly. [high priority]

Posted by Yomuchan - December 13th, 2015

+500 fans!. What a milestone! But hey, can't let you good folks go empty-handed..

Have some art!

Thanks, 500 fans!

And now, a quick shortlist of the projects planned so far...

Two short VNs, one stupid fun game, Fate Machine 2.0, and of course, more sex kitten goodness!. Stay tuned, and good night.

Posted by Yomuchan - November 23rd, 2015


It's been a peaceful time on the tropical island where you've been living for a while... until one day - the carefree days come to a grinding halt as McSlut has run out of money! In order to avoid going into debt, she looks up an old friend in South Korea and you tag along for the business trip of a lifetime!

From the backwoods tropical village in the Bermuda, you find yourself in another wacky sex kitten adventure in the heart of the Big City of Seoul!

But it won't be a walk in the park - a new enemy has emerged, determined to stop you and McSlut dead in their tracks! Will you be able to wheel and deal, sneak and fast-talk your way to payday? Well, willya?!

File size is 6.65Mb.

Special thanks to everyone who helped out with writing, logistics, bug-fixin' and everyone who plays these games. I hope y'all have as much fun playing this game as I had coding it. See you next mission!

PS: There's some epic Slutty McSlut OC hentai in the best ending. Get a file marked 'TOP SECRET' to get it.

Posted by Yomuchan - October 6th, 2015

This is a test post to synchronize my watch with NG Standard Time.

This is only a test.




Posted by Yomuchan - July 23rd, 2015

So, back when I had 222 fans, I jibed about having to work on 4 projects when I hit 444 fans. How quickly time flies, huh? It seems like we've just hit the 444 fan milestone and-

*dies suddenly, gets thrown out of a window, and gets run over by a funeral hearse, and then an ambulance.*


Naaaaaaaaah screw that.

So, projects. Allright.

I've got four projects in the works - as promised.
First is a short VN project I'm working on - while it's not a newgrounds exclusive, you guys will get to have some dark jokes to laugh at when I'm done with it.

Second is one of those classic sex kitten games y'all don't seem to get enough of. This time, we join our two idiot zeroes on a trip to DANANANANA THE FAR EAST. Are you a bad enough dude to enter the land of Tofu Town and defeat the evil Teriyaki Triad? (description may not be accurate.)

Third is a project I hijacked from a skilled sprite artist who has ceased to be - a complete guide to sprite movies! Because, hey, this sort of thing needs to happen more often. Read through this, and you'll be cooking 'em up sprite movies in no time. This one, is a newgrounds exclusive.

Finally, NSD. Negima Sim Date. This one's special to me. How long have we been working on it? Has it been 7 years already? A vast game, so complex that it makes Sex Kitten RPG2 look like a flipbook. I'm not sure if I can finish it, but I'll do what I can. And if I can't do it, I'll figure something out.

That's that for what's important. Other shit that no one cares about, like how college is evil, and growing up sucks and other such miscellanea is better off not mentioned because hey, whining wont solve anything. Now, doing awesome shit and pissing off terrorists and the bad guys WILL!.

See y'all at level 27.

Posted by Yomuchan - June 11th, 2015

I maded a tumblr thing. Probably gonna rig it with hentai and NG stuff once I figure out how to mess around with stuff.


#triggerwarning, #triggerwarning everywhere.

Lets see how badly my second experiment with social media goes...


Posted by Yomuchan - April 1st, 2015

Created for a certain day of a certain month, our somewhat unwilling idiot hero, now quite genre-savvy after all his adventures, is thrown kicking and screaming into the latest release of Sex Kitten: Insane Asylum!

Can you sneak, fast-talk, stab and shoot your way out of this Insane Asylum that seems hellbent on lobotomizing you with a chainsaw? Your only hope of escaping is to increase your magic good by doing stupid things, and hoping McSlut catches scent of your magic good once you manage to get out into the open!

TIP: Floor 0 is heavily patrolled. You'll probably get spotted unless you have a disguise. And you do not wander into a lobotomy room in your regular threads. You will be KILL by mad doctors.

I hope you all enjoy this game as much as I had fun coding it!
And by that I mean a lot.


Also there is no secret basement. Stop asking. 9_6

File size is 5.50Mb

Play it here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/655544