Stop your political BS and get back to work please, when will the next episode of Sx Kitten be released?
もしもし, エッチ大好きです! Your head will EXPLODE!!!111 Currently making them KER-AZY sex kitten games. 失礼!
Age 39
School of Hentao
The Fucking Dino Club.
Joined on 8/10/07
Stop your political BS and get back to work please, when will the next episode of Sx Kitten be released?
It's not political BS I'm involved with lol, I'm just busy with real life, got bills to pay and all that. But I can celebrate the defeat of censorious dictatorships.
Sadly that Utopia is just that, a dream. Don't mean that we can't still keep working to it.
These slimy pricks will never stop, so hey, why should we?
What's an ideal, if not, a reality or an idea to keep living for, long after we ran out of things to do?
How though? I don't know how I can help out in that regard. I mean I got myself mostly sorted in terms of the self but for the world beyond myself? Is still a mystery.