Your present is a link to something that a lot of fans already knew existed?
もしもし, エッチ大好きです! Your head will EXPLODE!!!111 Currently making them KER-AZY sex kitten games. 失礼!
Age 39
School of Hentao
The Fucking Dino Club.
Joined on 8/10/07
Your present is a link to something that a lot of fans already knew existed?
I was drunk. And I didn't quite think this through. Oh well.
1.) That's not the first Elder Scrolls game. 2.) This is some old hat. Everyone on the Internet and their autistic cousin knows about this. 3.) There's a better site to download this shit from <a href="http://theelderscrolls">http://theelderscrolls</a>(dot)wiwiland(dot)net/?title=Daggerfall_:_Dagg erfallSetup_EN. Shit sets up everything for you, but that doesn't matter because 4.) this game plays like a turd in a constipated asshole and looks about as pretty.
There was another one? Ohhhhhhhshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Was that a Build engine game? Been having a Redneck Rampage itching lately...
Definitely a good gift!