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What a party. Good news, bad news and all that's between... but that's life.

Posted by Yomuchan - November 7th, 2024

This has been the best day of 2024 as far as I'm concerned. First, foremost - for all you fans of lostwave, you'll instantly recognize what I'm going on about when I say



You heard me right! What has been considered as a mistitled song by some, others claiming that the song was proof that parallel universes existed, has finally been identified after what feels like years of quiet sleuthing from fans around the world.


"Subways of your mind", was recorded by a little-known 1980s German band called FEX, along with two other songs

Heart in Danger and Talking Hands - songs that feel like a 'well done' from the band for the discovery of the song.

The band had been oblivious to the online phenomenon this entire time. AND YES, THE BAND MEMBERS STILL SURVIVES TO THIS VERY DAY.

When the track first entered public consciousness, the community's approximated name and time of the music track did not show up in any music databases, and the audio quality meant that the lyrics seemed to shift with every listening. Undaunted, online sleuths tried to work out what instruments could be heard and analyzed the lead singer's accent. These first attempts to identify the song, soon classified by many as being in the 1980s' "New Wave" genre, yielded little.

It could have been 1970s music. Some even called it a prank. No one knew.

Well, until now.



That's right - the band is planning a reunion in light of this information. Man, this feels like how I felt when Ohashi Junko found out about the massive surge of popularity for her music at the twilight years of her life. I am glad to be alive to have witnessed this moment.

I thought things wouldn't get any better. Much to my surprise, things did get better.

Donald J. Trump won the election against what looked like a Stalinist "show me the man, I'll show you the crime" judiciary, running against a crooked cop with a history of jailing innocent people to supply cheap labor. A right-proper velvet revolution. And for the first time in four years it feels like this nonstop trauma chain of hyperinflation, censorship, forever wars and the global economic crisis domino reactions is coming to an end.

For a moment, I just sat back as people around the world celebrated the defeat of the party of warfare, the party of forever wars, the party of cruelty and disregard was defeated by the ballot box. I watched, overawed at how out-of-touch, self-appointed "elites" in their digital ivory towers screamed at who they deemed their 'vassals' for the "crime" of not doing as they ordered. They once sneered down upon anyone who disagreed with them and silenced any sort of open discussion. Now they were demanding why they were not being taken seriously.

How could anyone take them seriously when their sole response to any kind of disagreement or questioning was to scream "everyone I dont like is a nazi!"? Funny thing is: after calling everyone to the right of Pol Pot a nazi, then they complained about the 'nazis everywhere'.

They wanted compliance or bust - so convinced that they were on the right side of history. I watched as they now screamed and threatened to harm those who would not toe the line, and as the night continued - start thrashing and screaming in a fit of anger over not getting what they wanted. Some of these people were these condescending, abusive scumbags who thought that silencing anyone who disagreed with them somehow made them a good person.

It did not. It left them in a misguided echo chamber that cut them off from reality. For a while, it was really nice to see myself get vindicated after all these years. They were so angry with me for having opinions they disagreed with, they denied it all so vociferously is now accepted today as cold, scientific facts. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a bit of lulz at the impotent rage of these petty tyrants.

As I watched the numbers roll in, they began to lash out at innocents. Legal immigrants somehow got blamed by these petulant, alleged "adults" for choosing to protect themselves. Women were called "race traitors" for picking what they deemed was the side who listened to their voices. Men were called 'subhumans' for trying to find a way out of crushing hyperinflation and trying to put food on the table for their families. It was a purity spiral through and through. They might not have known it, but the dehumanizing rhetoric of these zealots is exactly why the democrat party lost.

The ugly truth is that the democrat party abandoned the working class.

What these angry people were doing by screaming "nazi" or "fascist" at anyone who dared disagree with them or go against what was effectively state media's dictate was not just driving away moderates from the democratic party vote. No wonder - the complete termination of dialogue meant that no problems would be discussed or even solved - what the far left were doing was making actual fascists and national socialists look like reasonable people compared to them. These self-appointed commissars who wanted you beaten up, ostracized, put in camps or even exterminated because you dared to speak out against corrupt corporations and government overreach are making absolute fools of themselves.

A few of those now "melting down" on social media were just frightened, reduced to hatred because that's what they were taught - not knowing any better. And they deserve an out - no one deserves to live in fear, trapped by the cruel lies of a social media web.

Leave them be. Smile, if you must. The election is over, but the real war begins now.

Censorship from powerful international organizations is rife as ever, with libraries coming under cyberattack and powerful publishing companies threatening the Internet Archive for the "crime" of keeping knowledge open. Even now, a corrupt United Nations harasses digital artists in pursuit of imagined "obscenities" against pixels and lines on paper rather than try to help resolve humanitarian situations in Africa and the Middle East. Ignorant government officials are on the warpath against small businesses. Corporate crime and human trafficking is the norm, rather than things that should have been eradicated as the world entered a more civilized age, and the nuclear clock stands the closest it has been to marking the beginning of nuclear war.

Doing something, no matter how little to pull the world back from this collective chaos does seem like an impossible task - but then I'm reminded of those sleuths searching for what once was lost media. It might have seemed pointless at times, especially when leads ran dry over the years - but driven by their own passion and resolve, they kept searching.

And they succeeded.

And hey, if old man Trump won against the full might of the corporate media machine backing the democrat party, then it's reasonable to believe that everyone around the world, can work together to pull back our very existence from the brink by setting aside this artificial hatred for one another.

Won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. And a world without censorship, without exploitation and without war is absolutely worth working for, no matter how tough things get.

... and now for the bad news. I think I fucked up my schedule and IRL decided to troll me by giving me promotions.





Sadly that Utopia is just that, a dream. Don't mean that we can't still keep working to it.
These slimy pricks will never stop, so hey, why should we?
What's an ideal, if not, a reality or an idea to keep living for, long after we ran out of things to do?
How though? I don't know how I can help out in that regard. I mean I got myself mostly sorted in terms of the self but for the world beyond myself? Is still a mystery.

Stop your political BS and get back to work please, when will the next episode of Sx Kitten be released?

It's not political BS I'm involved with lol, I'm just busy with real life, got bills to pay and all that. But I can celebrate the defeat of censorious dictatorships.