Clock Day has come and gone, and working on BB10's Friendship Adventure - a frenetic last-minute project thought up while extremely inebriated has really shaken off the feeling of exhaustion and burnout that had overcome me these past few weeks.
Speaking of that, I tried adding medals in the game for the first time - removing the old preloader to make room for the NGAPI powered preloader.
Little did I know that would break the entire game, spamming everyone who got a gameover with medals. Whoops. Chalk it up to early installment weirdness, right? Props for the folks who got back to me right away regarding the problem. The problem's been fix'd now so you won't get that trouble.
Game devs take note: Don't remove stuff while sleep-deprieved and/or drunk.
In other news, you all remember that Newgrounds Swimsuit Competition I held earlier this summer, right? Well, now it's time to reveal the NEFARIOUS PLAN OF EVIL behind it all.
I needed NPCs for the City Beach.
MY EVIL PLAN WAS A GREAT SUCCESS! MWAHAHAHHAHA! *twirls imaginary moustache of evil*
Not gonna lie I'm happy you fixed the little "mustaches" and made them white, the old pic you did they were transparent and it bugged me a bit.
I'm still best girl.