... Adventures of Tintin, Dave and Carl looks pretty awesome, actually.
... Adventures of Tintin, Dave and Carl looks pretty awesome, actually.
Even by Tory scandal standards, this one is wild.
It's "explosions fix everything", isn't it. 9_6
Immortal words!
Blessed be the Jard of Zabu.
.... that was youtube wasn't it.
Nope, some dipshit oscars host
Night of Bad Oil arc, huh. Those guys give me the creeps.
.... oh, so THAT explains why some Irish-accented 'taters bought out the entire stock on Yomuchan's Arms and Armor Emporium the other day...
Elegant simplicity,
Retro look to the moon.
Mogami gawa.
"Now i'm finished!!! with my poem"
Invasion is old hat. The new fad those people are running with is to get countries to shift alliances with the CHR stat. Dave should just invite Putin to the bar and get so shitfaced drunk that Putin forgets about the whole Ukraine thing and goes back to watching anime. :DDDD
Man, new guy's not very genre-savvy. You do know that you keep mercenaries well-paid and don't give them a reason to turn their guns against you, right? Dude needs to go back to Warlord 101 class.
もしもし, エッチ大好きです! Your head will EXPLODE!!!111 Currently making them KER-AZY sex kitten games. 失礼!
Age 39
School of Hentao
The Fucking Dino Club.
Joined on 8/10/07