It's been a peaceful time on the tropical island where you've been living for a while... until one day - the carefree days come to a grinding halt as McSlut has run out of money! In order to avoid going into debt, she looks up an old friend in South Korea and you tag along for the business trip of a lifetime!
From the backwoods tropical village in the Bermuda, you find yourself in another wacky sex kitten adventure in the heart of the Big City of Seoul!
But it won't be a walk in the park - a new enemy has emerged, determined to stop you and McSlut dead in their tracks! Will you be able to wheel and deal, sneak and fast-talk your way to payday? Well, willya?!
File size is 6.65Mb.
Special thanks to everyone who helped out with writing, logistics, bug-fixin' and everyone who plays these games. I hope y'all have as much fun playing this game as I had coding it. See you next mission!
PS: There's some epic Slutty McSlut OC hentai in the best ending. Get a file marked 'TOP SECRET' to get it.