What is it?
... or, at least a progress report.
The assembly of my new PC is so nearly complete. This, along with the refurbishing and moving of the home electronics has finally freed up seven more GLORIOUS hours of free time! (Its like finding oil, uranium and diamonds all at once, damn!) And with that, I present to you the latest goings on in the story of Negima Sim Date.
First off are some screencaps from Negima Sim Date, showcasing NPC interaction and dialog outputs.

Here we have Asuna, right after the tutorial battle, doing her best impression of the Spanish Inquisition. CONFESS! CONFESS! CONFESS!

Next up, we have the super-shy Miyazaki Nodoka being her adorkable, nervous self. I had to level her up to Student or else she'd always run off without talking to you.
Next up, we have a character viewer - you can tell that the thing's patched together from an early beta by the way the displays are all weirded out, right? It doubles as the game's relationship tracker, replacing the stationary mirror used by MLP sim date.

In the case you're interested in writing/donating dialogue for the characters, here's a quick summary of the characters in question.
Kagurazaka Asuna
The resident heterochromia packing numbnut who likes older men, specifically Takahata-sensei. She has a temper problem and often goes into tourettes-level fury when she gets mad. Very strong. Has a rivalry with class rep, Yukihiro Ayaka.
Miyazaki Nodoka
A quiet, shy girl that's painfully, boringly cliche' until you call her Honya. Then she SNAPS and KILLS YOU DEAD while SHITTING DOWN YOUR CHIMNEY. She is soft-spoken, and dislikes rude jokes. She sometimes pranks Asuna and Konoka.
Ayase Yue
A deadpan slacker who's IQ level is over 9000. Do not, under any circumstances, try to convince her that she needs to study more. She will jam a test tube of her weirdest, latest concoctions RIGHT UP YOUR POOPER. Likes smoking Chiyo Bud, and is a connoisseur of other mind-altering substances. Doesn't talk much and is very sarcastic.
Yukihiro Ayaka
A big-chested blonde bombshell who's so much into younger men that it'd make catholic priests blush. Unfortunately for you, she has you in her sights and she will find a way to get you in between the sheets with her. A reserved, quiet girl who often acts as the ojousama she is. Enjoys perverted jokes, and has a rivalry with Asuna. Has a sweet demeanor that is very, very creepy. Enjoys peeping on YOU.
Sakurazaki Setsuna
A quiet, cool girl who is not interested in you. She's got her eyes on Konoka Konoe, and if you do try to get in the way, you'll find yourself facing her deadly sword technique. Not much of a talker, she prefers to let her devastating sword techniques speak for her. Her sword techniques can slice through any physical armor. When she does get angry, she makes clear, simple threats before thrashing you.
Evangeline McDowell
A blond little girl(yeah, right) who seems to know exactly who you are. She is refined and cool, but tends to talk like a yakuza. Extremely vicious when pulled into a fight, she is surprisingly strong regardless of her small size. Prefers extreme violence as a battle tactic. She can also send her fangirl/servant Chachamaru after you. Taunts a lot.
Konoka Konoe
A cheerful, stereotypical genki girl with a dark side. Try pressing her to get married, and she'll pack on some serious hurt, or sic Setsuna on you like some sort of mafia boss. Likes getting wasted, playing pranks on Asuna and browsing Forkheads' picturedump threads.
Another stereotype, a robotic girl who seems to be almost completely emotionless. Completely loyal to Evangeline at first. She does not speak much, rather preferring simple sentences. She becomes talkative later on.
Finally, the latest from the changelog...
9:37 AM 13-Jul-16
Version: v0.0.131a
Fixed a major bug in Nodoka's Event List.
Added Nodoka's Second Major Mission - "Private Lesson"
If you have over 39 Wit/Charm, you'll get a better reward from it.
Reinforced telefrag prevention subroutines.
Added some OJJ-donated convos.
10:07 PM 09-Jul-16
Version: v0.0.129a
Fixed some spawn bugs with miniquests.
Added Good Friend Dialog (16 short convos, 5 questions, 1 fight.)
Added 2 miniquests for Good Friend.
4:02 AM 08-Jul-16
Version: v0.0.128a
Added "New Friend" Nodoka dialog (16 short convos, 4 questions and 1 fight(HONYAA!!!))
Your base stats now affect mini-quests.
STR: For lifting weights and travelling.
KNOWLEDGE: For science experiments and research.
MAGIC: Spying and Placing/Stealing items.
WIT/CHARM: For distracting and fast-talking.
Added miniquest 1: Book Courier.
TELEFRAG PREVENTION! (Needs a new save game for it to work properly if playing an earlier version.)
Added miniquest 2: Pranking Time! - Konoka
Added miniquest 3: Pranking Time! - Asuna
Level up function - Good Friend is complete.
That's the latest buzz on what's happening with NSD.