Haaaaaaaaarsh. Is she the new president of the united states now?
I'm enjoying the shutdown so far. Lots of work for PMCs, ya know? Kinda like a 'good harvest year'.
Haaaaaaaaarsh. Is she the new president of the united states now?
I'm enjoying the shutdown so far. Lots of work for PMCs, ya know? Kinda like a 'good harvest year'.
Coincidentally I'm volunteering at a food bank from the end of the month. Need any help over there?
#12: Run through the wheat fields. That's naughty, yo!
#13: Mix tea with coffee.
Huh, so Dave is a small bird...
It's probably his spirit animal.
Ah, officer. Props for hiding behind that pole.... did you hear what I just said?
.... I see. That's unfortunate... then, I'll bid you a good day.
/MIB stick
There's some things you think you saw, but you did not see. Run along now.
Moral of the story: When over there, don't talk in public about what you do, right?
That expression sold it for me. Merry christmas, and I hope you manage to do a lot of good stuff next year too!
On a side note, you should be careful with how the breasts roll. Its all about balance, ya know?
#17: Take a shitton of meth and singlehandedly defeat Iztova, the national socialists, the communist faction and the neo-tomato crime organization while wearing skis.... on head.
Neo-tomatoism really ruffles my jimmies >:I
S-stay out of my way! I will not tolerate interference, especially when I'm this close to annexing the United States with my Free Cable/Fiber Deal and becoming El Presidente for Life! Nooooooooooooo! (angry old man noises)
PSA business for the crew, huh? It's new ground, but its good to see you trying all sorts of stuff with your works.
And so began Potatoman's descent into evil...
What kind of bizarre blasphemy is this?!
#15 Invade the peaceful skeleton realm and turn the formerly peaceful skeletons into a determined warrior culture obsessed with revenge.
Its heaps good to see these every week. Keep up the good work!
#16 Send shivers down your own spine
Thx <3
"Complaining about more female characters?!"
(Sudden perfect Frieza impersonation) "What are you, gay?!"
Just one thing, though. The critter got launched upwards diagonally, but the hole in wall is vertical. IS THIS SOME SORT OF CHRISTIAN MAGIC?!
Haha, wouldn't that be witchcraft?
もしもし, エッチ大好きです! Your head will EXPLODE!!!111 Currently making them KER-AZY sex kitten games. 失礼!
Age 39
School of Hentao
The Fucking Dino Club.
Joined on 8/10/07