... in no specific order.
Before I start, I'd like to say this is all Vixu " @TheOverGhoul " zar's fault. Thanks, dude!

And here we are - 666 fans. I'm supposed to go to hell now, but that won't work - specifically because I've already died once, got sent to hell, romanced the Demon Queen which resulted in Satan begging me to leave - turns out the loony fuck had a real soft spot for the Queen of hel. So, back again... for now.
I know I'm supposed to do something when I reached this milestone. I'm just not sure what. Tell you what, just as a special treat, I'll look through my posts and see what I have to do...
Oh, right! Art!

Moving on, it's only now that I realized that I've basically spent 10 years on newgrounds. What a fucked up ride it was. Regardless, let's admit it - it's been one hell of an educational experience. Watching the ages turn on this place wasn't a pretty sight. Props to Tom and the NG crew for keeping this place running despite the fact that an entire army of lawyer-type cretins backed by their retarded trash groupies want this sort of creativity permanently gone from the internet. I don't even remember why I joined, despite the fact that I had zero talent in flash...
For the record, this future sucks, and I did not get this problem way back when NG's slogan was 'the problems of the future, today!'.
Oh well. Moving on... what next? Hmm...
Oh right! I've started working on a zine! I'm the [alleged] editor, and I write stuff for it. Interested in contributing? Send in your ramblings, reviews blurbs, short/long stories, observations even creative stuff like art, photography and such to
Just remember: It's 100% awesome content not censored by anyone!
Should you want to read the previous releases, it's all available here. Maybe you'll get some inspiration on what to send in...
Next up, more NSD updates!

What started as an irredeemable v0.0.0.01 way back in 2012 as a badly programmed variable distribution system that would glitch out if you clicked too fast is now running at v0.2.0 - and is actually playable. See those two 2d qts there? They're fully integrated into the game. Still, I'm not one of those types who'll flood the portal with proto-incomplete versions of my stuff, so y'all will have to wait until this lifetime's work is complete.
... at least it feels like a lifetime of work. This project was originally started in late 2008, if the chatlogs that came with the former dev team's project folders are to be believed. Also, I crudely 'ported' an entire MS-DOS game in the loading screen with a total size of 20kb for people to play. Are you HARDCORE ENOUGH to find the kitten?
Aside from that, most of my time's taken up with irl normie job, complete with tie-wearing and boring office meetings in which I swear my IQ points actually decrease. I'm not really into cruel and unusual punishments for my fans, so lets gloss over this part with a cute 2hu.

Also, I'm learning Japanese to evolve from generic weeb to ULTIMATE GAIJIN. Have been doing this for a few months, and already I can tell when subtitles fuck up on my anime. OHSHI-
Expect random Japanese questions to pop up on the next batch of sex kitten games I work on. Fufufu~
That's enough from me, I guess. But there's something y'all should know.
Like an idiot not learning that there's stuff that'll sting them when touched, some sleazy ISPs are at it again, despite the fact they got rebuffed in their dirtbag campaign to end net neutrality just 3 months ago. It's as if they don't care what the public thinks- oh.
And this time, they're lobbying the SCOTUS (that's Supreme Court Of The United States) to make it so that it'll become impossible to undo any damage they do to the flow of data on the internet. Sneaky fuckers, aren't they? They're really desperate to reduce the internet to nothing more than some generic social media shit, and they're not even hiding that fact anymore. This time, they want immunity from regulation - meaning they can disregard American law, charge you thousands of dollars for dialup speeds, sell your browsing habits / passwords / credit card data for $$$, censor you from visiting sites like newgrounds because it's 'problematic content', and even sue you if you dare use your intelligence to bypass their blocks.
Maybe I should annex America...
In closing, once again I'd like to thank all the followers, all 666 of them! I look forward to doing more random stuff here, so stay tuned!